Windows 8 Auto Login using Registry

There probably is a bunch of people who doesn’t want to type in password to login to Windows 8. I also sometime don’t want to type in password to login. It’s really annoying sometimes. So today I want to share how to get rid off the password screen using registry method. It’s not difficult, if you follow the instruction step by step. It’s going to be much more convenient to use Windows 8. Let’s get started !


Step 01. Go to Windows Start Menu > Type regedit in the search field.


Step 02. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon


Step 03. Double Click on AutoAdminLogon in the right pane, and Change the value data to 1.


Step 04. Double Click on DefaultUserName in the right pane, Set the Value to your username.


Step 05. Create a New STRING Value by clicking right button of your mouse anywhere in the right pane.


Step 06. Name the STRING value as DefaultPassword, and Type your user Account Password in the Value data field.


Step 07. Reboot your computer.


Hope this is helpful for everyone 🙂 Enjoy your Day!