Why my WiFi is so slow – Reasons that your WiFi is slow

My WiFi internet speed is too slow! How can I make it faster?

Hello ~ The above question is the one that we always hear from most of our customers. In the past few years, the fast growing demand for WiFi results the question above. Even though most of the WiFi devices like router, access point, and ranger extender were designed to work in regular household, we all live in different houses. All the houses are built different. Size is different. This is why at some places, the WiFi could perform poorly. Today, let’s find out how to make your WiFi faster.


Before we go ahead, let’s test your internet speed. The poor WiFi performance may cause by slow internet speed provided by your ISP. If you have an internet plan that is slower than “10 mbps”, you should consider upgrading your internet plan to a faster plan.

To check your internet speed, go to: https://www.pntbrother.com/how-to-test-my-internet-speed-downloading-uploading-test/

1. Move your WiFi router(or access point) to better place

This is the most simple thing but also it is very important. Does your WiFi device located in the edge of your house or underneath something ? Theoretically, it is best to place your WiFi device in the centre of your house, but in many cases, it is not possible. At least, try to move your WiFi device to a higher place where there no obstacles.


2. Watch for the surrounding of your WiFi router(or access point)

A cordless phone and a microwave. If you see them between you and your WiFi router, move them to somewhere not near the WiFi router. They use the same 2.4ghz range, and this may cause WiFi interference resulting the poor WiFi performance. Also if there is any metal objects or mirror, try to clear them from your WiFi router.

3. Adjust WiFi antennas

If your WiFi router has external antennas, and if there is more than one antennas, try to spread the antennas.


4. Change WiFi channel (you will need to login to your router’s control panel)

All the WiFi routers have WiFi channel settings. First, you need to find out the WiFi channels of your neighbours WiFi. There are apps that you can see all the surrounding WiFi channels. (If you have Android phones, try “WiFi Analyzer”. Since there are so many network monitor apps, we cannot specify all here.) Check for channels that duplicate on your mobile phone using network monitor apps. After that, try to change your router’s channel to channels that your neighbours do not use.


5. Upgrade your WiFi router’s firmware

If you have done all of the steps above, and if the speed is still slow. It is time to check the performance of your router. If there is any later firmware available for your WiFi router, try to upgrade the firmware first. On many devices, it really works. If the speed is still slow even though you upgrade to latest firmware, purchase a WiFi router with a better performance.


6. Purchase a better performance WiFi router

By purchasing a better performance WiFi router, you can speed up the WiFi performance at your place.


We hope the blog post is helpful for you.

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