How to turn off blinking led flash (notification) on android

When you have a new message or notification, a led light flashes on many android based smartphones and other devices. How do I turn it off ?

Good morning, afternoon or evening! 🙂 Today is March first, and we are going to learn a new android feature called Pulse notification light. (this is what it’s called in Android Marshmallow) On some android based devices, the feature is turned on by factory. We lately found out that many people don’t like the blinking led including us! 😀 Okay. Let’s turn this thing off!

How to turn off the led light notification

We have prepared a picture instruction for people who don’t like reading. 🙂

Turn on your android, go to “Settings” –> “Sound & notification” –> turn off “Pulse notification light

That’s it. Your android will not stop blinking led light when there is a notification.

Thank you and have a nice day everyone!