How to enable “Developer options” on android phones & devices

I need to use developer options, but can’t find it! It is not on my phone! Help me!

Yes. You are right. If you have a newer android os installed (later than 4.1), it is normal that you cannot find the developer options on your android based phones or devices because the options is disabled by default. Is is basically for android developers. Regular users like I and you may crash the device with wrong usage of the developer options, but we do understand that for many reasons, you will need to enable this developer options on your android. Let’s enable it! *Just to let you know, depends on your android devices and versions, this instruction will work or not. It may not work on every android devices.*

How to enable developer options on android

  1. Go to “Settings“.
  2. Go to “About” or “About phone” or “About device“. Every devices have different option titles. Normally, this about option found in the bottom of the menu.
  3. Find “Build number“.
  4. Tab it 7 times !
  5. Now, the developer mode will be activated !

That’s it. Now, when you look at the settings again, you will notice that you have the developer options. In here, you can turn on or off variety of options that are designed for android developers. 😀 😀 😀

Thank you!