How to check laptop/computer temperature – For Windows based computers

How to check your laptop | computer temperature ? My laptop is getting really hot ! Sometimes laptop shuts down !

Hello everyone. This is very hot summer. We believe that many of you have a laptop overheating issues by now, and this blog post will teach you how to check your hot laptop temperature. Why should we check the temperature of a computer ? It is bad if a computer gets really hot. It could damage your computer! and it could shortens your overall computer life span. Sometimes when your laptop gets really hot, it shuts down itself to protect the computer from damaging. It is always good to be cool. 😀 😀 😀 Also, we will let you know how to check your laptop battery condition.

How to check the temperature of my laptop ?

In order for you to check the temperature of your laptop as well as your battery condition, you will need to use a program called “hwmonitor”. 😀 😀 😀 It is a freeware, and you can download this program here:

  1. Extract the zipped file first.
  2. In the extracted folder, you will see two files. (x32, x64)
  3. Run the x32 one if you are running a 32 bit Windows, and run x64 one if you have 64 bit Windows. Not sure ? Then try both, and one of them will work. 😀 😀 😀
  4. Now, you will see your computer(laptop) information including processor, power, battery, and temperature like the picture below

If your processor temperature is more than 80 Celsius when it is in idle, you should consider to clean up inside of your computer(laptop) You can use a air compressor to get rid of dusts in air vent. If your computer is older than 3 years, you also will have to apply new thermal compound on CPU and motherboard processors as well as dust clean up. Cleaning the dust is easy, but for putting new thermal compound on motherboard chips, bring your computer to a near computer shop. Thermal compound is a compound that exists between your computer’s processor and heat sink. It helps to transfer heat efficiently from a processor to a heat sink. The compound gets dried as time passes, and this will results a worse cooling performance. Normally, applying a new thermal compound will result a temperature drop of 5 ~ 30 Celsius.

 How to check the battery condition of my laptop ?

if you see the picture above in the battery information section, there is a “Capacities” section. The designed capacity represents the maximum capacity of your laptop battery, and the full charge capacity represents the current maximum capacity of the battery. As you use your laptop more, this value will decrease. The current capacity simply tells you how much energy you have left in your laptop battery. 😀 😀 😀

The “Wear Level” represents your battery condition. If you see “50%”, the maximum charging capacity of your battery is at 50% of 100% The lifespan of your battery became half of it’s original capacity.

We hope this blog post was helpful for everyone. Thank you!

If you want to know how to check your “video card” temperature