Apps keep closing android nexus 5 | App closes after opening on android

Apps keep closing on android based mobile devices ?

Are you experiencing your apps close after opening ? Apps keep closing on android phones ? Apps keep closing on Nexus 5 ? android apps closing automatically ? android apps closing themselves ? Don’t worry! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Here is the solution for the problem above. This problem is very well known between android users in the world. If your apps close sometime after opening them without any warning or error, then this closing issue causes by the memory of your device. When your device lacks of system memory, this problem occurs. What you should do to fix this problem is very simple. Today, we have prepared few ways you can stop apps closing.

1. Here is the most easy way to fix it. “RESTART YOUR ANDROID PHONE OR DEVICE”!

As you use your android phone or device without restarting it will cause the closing app issue. In our understanding, when you close an app on your android device, it must terminate the app right away, but sometimes it actually does not close and keep running while consuming system memory. When the system memory is all used, then there is no sufficient memory to run an app. This causes the closing app issue.

2. Do not want to restart your device once a while ? Then, download an app that kills unused apps and tasks. There are many task killer apps. You may try apps like these:

Advanced Task Killer –


Have you updated android OS ? Updating android OS often resolves this issue !

Click here for android OS update guide >

We are hoping everyone fixed the android apps closing after opening issue with this blog post !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment here, and don’t forget to check out our other blog posts!